Client Portal Overview

Within Hunt Club's recruitment services, recruiters bear numerous tasks and responsibilities. Among these is the need for regular meetings with clients, wherein potential candidates are presented and interview feedback is exchanged. To enhance efficiency and streamline this process, I undertook the design of a client portal. This initiative encompassed creating dedicated views for both recruiters and clients, ensuring seamless access and interaction between the two parties. By bridging this gap, the client portal aimed to optimize operations and facilitate effective collaboration.

Recruiter Facing Designs

Client Facing Designs

Platform Improvements Overview

Recruiters at Hunt Club rely on the internal platform for their searches for candidates. Partnering with project managers, and frequent interviews with users, improvements to the platform were constantly being made.

Search filters and results

Approval warnings

To address recurring challenges faced by users when adding candidates to their projects, such as conflicting project assignments or outdated data, I designed an approval flow. This flow was designed to prevent candidates from progressing further within project funnels until the issues were successfully resolved.

Introduction Home

At Hunt Club, their commitment lies in facilitating meaningful connections and sourcing top talent through warm introductions. However, users lacked a centralized platform to efficiently manage their introduction activities. In response, I was assigned the responsibility of developing an interface that allows users to conveniently track and access all their introduction-related information. This interface serves as a comprehensive hub, empowering users to stay organized and informed about their networking endeavors within the Hunt Club ecosystem.